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Just a spectacular video by drone giving you a bird’s eye view on this magnificent island.

About 80% of the volume of the island was formed during the Miocene period, between 14 and 9 million years ago. This is called the "Old Cycle" and is estimated to have lasted some 200,000 years and have emitted about 1000 km3, mostly of fissured alkali basalt. This cycle continued with the emission of trachytes, phonolites and peralkaline rocks. This period was followed by one of erosion, which lasted some 4 million years.

A second cycle of volcanic eruptions, known as the "Roque Nublo cycle", took place between 4.5 and 3.4 million years ago. This shorter cycle emitted about 100 km3. Most of the inland peaks were formed by erosion from these materials. This period also started with fissured basalts, but ended with violent eruptions of pyroclastic flows. Some phonolite features, like the Risco Blanco, were also formed in its last stages.

The third or recent cycle is held to have started some 2.8 million years ago and is considered to be still active. The last eruptions are held to have occurred some 3500 years ago. The changes in volume and, therefore, weight of the island have also caused the island to rise above the previous sea level during erosive periods and to sink during eruptive periods. Some of these "fossil beaches" can be seen in the cliff faces of the more eroded northern coast.

About VIP Nogal

VIP Nogal is a complex of 21-room apartments spread over three floors, very popular and with many regulars. The VIP Nogal is located in a quiet place but at the same time very centric. The promenade separates us from the famous dunes and the wide sandy beach of Maspalomas.

Video Articles

02 February 2017
02 February 2015
02 February 2015
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